
Please vote to help support Legion Servers

Your vote for this server helps to support the server, and helps to attract new players! Not to mention, each time you vote, you get a random prize! We have 6 different sites that you can vote on, listed on the left-hand side of this panel.

For each one, enter your Minecraft name, and click the Vote button. After you vote on each site, if it's working correctly, you should be automatically sent to the next site to vote. Some of the sites have CAPTCHAs that you may need to complete before clicking the Vote button.

One of the sites, MCSL, may require you to create an account with them to vote. This is easy and free. Once you log in to MCSL, just click the refresh button on this page to get back to the voting screen. You can vote once per day on each site. Thank you for your support!